A Judge-run Blog that Answers Teen Law Questions

As a judge, you may receive your fair share of questions in casual conversation about the law, and sometimes these questions involve fields you may not specialize in, making you uncomfortable talking about the subject without research.

That’s where other judges may come in handy. Perfect for the teen you want to better educate before they make mistakes, or the family friends who keep asking you about juvenile law, the retired Judge Thomas A. Jacobs, JD, and his collaborators have set up a blog to teach nonprofessionals about teens and the law.

Despite its slightly dated design, AsktheJudge.info makes for a wonderfully underrated resource for parents and teens alike, tackling issues teens care about, such as their privacy, their freedom of speech, the nuances of what is and isn’t acceptable in social media, and any questions they may have about how the law applies to their lives. Its straightforward language, timely content, and brevity make its articles easy enough to share with your loved ones but useful enough that they’ll know what to do with the information once they have it.

Interested? We found some articles you may find useful to share:

No matter what kind of court you preside over, or whether or not you have children, it’s always useful to have resources for just about any sort of legal situation, if only to help your loved ones become more aware of the importance of the law and how it applies to them. You never know; sharing the right article may keep them from landing themselves in easily avoidable trouble.